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1st PrizeAssigned Pictorial In Class 1 By Raymond Finkleman For Wings SEP-2022.jpg
1st PrizeAssigned Pictorial In Class 2 By Scott Cote For Train Arriving SEP-2022.jpg
1st PrizeAssigned Pictorial In Class 3 By Bill Crnkovich For Swift River Autumn Reflection SEP-2022.jpg
1st PrizeCreative Artistry In Class 2 By Jeffrey Johnson For Celestial Float SEP-2022.jpg
1st PrizeCreative Artistry In Class 3 By Mary Lu Pool For Signs Of Summer SEP-2022.jpg
1st PrizeNature In Class 2 By Teresa Hughes For Foggy Daze SEP-2022.jpg
1st PrizeNature In Class 3 By John Hoyt For Yep Got Em SEP-2022.jpg
1st PrizeOpen Color In Class 1 By Dennis Roberts For Red Fox SEP-2022.jpg
1st PrizeOpen Color In Class 2 By Ashley King For Snoozing SEP-2022.jpg
1st PrizeOpen Color In Class 3 By Jim Hill For Keeping My Eye On You SEP-2022.jpg
1st PrizeOpen Mono In Class 2 By Len Janssen For Play With Me SEP-2022.jpg
1st PrizeOpen Mono In Class 3 By Doug Miller For Lines In The Sand SEP-2022.jpg
1st PrizeOpen Mono In Class 3 By Jim Hill For Seen Better Days SEP-2022.jpg
1st PrizeOpen Mono In Class 3 By John Whitmore For The Sentinel SEP-2022.jpg
1st PrizeOpen Mono In Class 3 By Sharon Hammesfahr For Sea Scraped SEP-2022.jpg
2nd PrizeAssigned Pictorial In Class 1 By Pam Switzer For Gullbringingnestingmaterials SEP-2022.jpg
2nd PrizeAssigned Pictorial In Class 2 By Donna Hitchens For Next In Line SEP-2022.jpg
2nd PrizeAssigned Pictorial In Class 2 By Eric(Rick) Dammeyer For Sunrise Takeoff SEP-2022.jpg
2nd PrizeAssigned Pictorial In Class 3 By Sandy Morgan For Shooting The Rapids SEP-2022.jpg
2nd PrizeAssigned Pictorial In Class 3 By Scott Becque For Speedy Surprise SEP-2022.jpg
2nd PrizeAssigned Pictorial In Class 3 By Wayne Thomas For Motocross Motion SEP-2022.jpg
2nd PrizeCreative Artistry In Class 3 By Anne Rhoads For In A Magical Land SEP-2022.jpg
2nd PrizeNature In Class 1 By Raymond Finkleman For Grand View SEP-2022.jpg
2nd PrizeNature In Class 2 By John Engle For Hiding In Plain Sight SEP-2022.jpg
2nd PrizeNature In Class 3 By Sharon Denny For Are The Eggs Ready Yet SEP-2022.jpg
2nd PrizeOpen Color In Class 1 By Keith Warren For Mast Storage SEP-2022.jpg
2nd PrizeOpen Color In Class 2 By Marie Roberts For Two Hours To Quitting Time SEP-2022.jpg
2nd PrizeOpen Color In Class 3 By Donald Barrow For Blue Hour Full Moon At N Bowers SEP-2022.jpg
2nd PrizeOpen Mono In Class 2 By Paul Sylvia For CO Canal House SEP-2022.jpg
2nd PrizeOpen Mono In Class 3 By Marie Corbin For In A Row SEP-2022.jpg
2nd PrizeOpen Mono In Class 3 By Paul Hammesfahr For Window To Nowhere SEP-2022.jpg
3rd PrizeAssigned Pictorial In Class 1 By Kathy Fritz For ShakeItOff SEP-2022.jpg
3rd PrizeAssigned Pictorial In Class 2 By Jim Cotter For Slow Boat To Mystic SEP-2022.jpg
3rd PrizeAssigned Pictorial In Class 2 By Kathy Campos For Fiercely Frisky SEP-2022.jpg
3rd PrizeAssigned Pictorial In Class 2 By Rita Woodward For Foggy River SEP-2022.jpg
3rd PrizeAssigned Pictorial In Class 3 By Kimberly Scott For Jetty Swirls SEP-2022.jpg
3rd PrizeAssigned Pictorial In Class 3 By Nancy L. Allen For Here I Come SEP-2022.jpg
3rd PrizeCreative Artistry In Class 2 By Dee Dalasio For Invasion Of The Bubble Snatchers SEP-2022.jpg
3rd PrizeCreative Artistry In Class 3 By Eric Wilcox For Ryan Lacey Of Gaelic Storm SEP-2022.jpg
3rd PrizeNature In Class 1 By Pam Switzer For Oystershell Flip SEP-2022.jpg
3rd PrizeNature In Class 2 By Rich Giannola For Feed Us SEP-2022.jpg
3rd PrizeNature In Class 3 By Nancy L. Allen For Hungry Hummer SEP-2022.jpg
3rd PrizeNature In Class 3 By Wayne Thomas For Hovering Hummer SEP-2022.jpg
3rd PrizeOpen Color In Class 1 By Ivy Messina For Fireworks On Goodyear Lake SEP-2022.jpg
3rd PrizeOpen Color In Class 2 By Jim Cotter For Eyeing My Lunch SEP-2022.jpg
3rd PrizeOpen Color In Class 2 By Kathy Chartier For Timeless Fishing SEP-2022.jpg
3rd PrizeOpen Color In Class 2 By Kathy Keller For Fiery Morning Sky SEP-2022.jpg
3rd PrizeOpen Color In Class 2 By Stephen Licata For Did You Feed The Meter SEP-2022.jpg
3rd PrizeOpen Color In Class 3 By Anne Rhoads For Double Top Collision SEP-2022.jpg
3rd PrizeOpen Color In Class 3 By Paul Hammesfahr For Street Art SEP-2022.jpg
3rd PrizeOpen Mono In Class 2 By Kathy Campos For Tardy For The Party SEP-2022.jpg
3rd PrizeOpen Mono In Class 3 By George Hudson For Palouse At Sunset SEP-2022.jpg
3rd PrizeOpen Mono In Class 3 By Kathy Boyd For Patterns And Lines SEP-2022.jpg
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